Local Growers is a farmer incubator program. Apprentices learn about regenerative agriculture and how to practice small-scale, market-garden farming. APOYO receives culturally-relevant food to distribute.
If you would like to participate in 2024, please contact us. In addition to apprentices, we are looking for landowners who would like to discuss the possibility of offering their land for cultivation.
2023 APOYO Local Growers sponsors are Puget Sound Energy Foundation, Ellensburg Morning Rotary Club, and the American Heart Association. Additional support comes from Knudson Lumber & Hardware and generous individuals.
Donate below or contact us if you would like to become a sponsor!
On the PayPal donation page: click “Use this donation for” and then select “APOYO’s Work” ¡Gracias!
Food is becoming more scarce!
- APOYO must serve more people with less food.
- Northwest Harvest, which provides most of the food APOYO distributes, has had significant food shortfalls.
- 12% inflation on grocery store food between November 2021 and November 2022 (Consumer Price Index)
- Supply chain disruption problems – ex. canned goods affected because of increasing cost of aluminum due in part to the war in Ukraine
- Climate disruption impacting crops and harvests
APOYO’s response to threats to food security is the Farmer Incubator Program
What Do Beginning Farmers Need?
- Low-risk opportunities to learn while doing
- Access to land and tools while learning
- Seasoned farming mentors
Apprentice farmers
- Denise Horton of The B Street Farm is mentoring our apprentices in farming and direct marketing.
- Apprentice farmers are getting first-hand experience that will enable them to develop their own sustainable, small-scale farm businesses.
- Apprentice farmers are using land, high tunnel, water, seeds, and tools at The B Street Farm to grow produce they donate to APOYO.
- APOYO receives culturally-preferred foods for distributions.
We need more local food production!
- The B Street Farm aspires to grow new farmers and this is the pilot program.
- Sustainable local food production is important so we can build towards a strong, self-sufficient food system for our region.
- With a successful run, we can interest other farms and land owners in supporting apprentices in the future.
USDA invests in local food production and supporting new farmers but grants usually go to larger farms or food hubs.
WSDA Funding exists to promote local Farm to Food Pantry Partnerships but our grants are subcontracted outside of Kittitas County since there are few produce farmers here.
How much can we grow on one acre?
Anticipated yield:
- Weekly share of produce for 20 weeks for a family of 4 ($500 value)
- One acre can produce at minimum 30 shares ($15,000 value)