
Call us at 509-201-1820
or contact us online.

APOYO’s direct services provide nutritious, culturally-relevant food and our clothing bank. We can help you find further assistance by referring you to other organizations and agencies.

Click here to see this more extensive pdf “Kittitas County Resource Guide.”

Haga clic aquí para acceder esta guía de recursos más extensiva en pdf, “Kittitas County Guía de Recursos.”

  • Translation assistance
  • Referrals to other resources. (Please see the Kittitas County Resource guide. Available in English and Spanish.)

Thanks to a WSDA Resiliency grant, APOYO can now deliver food to pick-up points managed with the help of community partners in Royal City and Mattawa. For more information, please contact us.

Healthy Food

We distribute boxes of nutritious, culturally-relevant food every Wednesday 4:00-6:00 p.m. and every Saturday 12:00-2:00 p.m.

We need assistance with distributions. Check out our volunteer page to sign up as a volunteer today!


APOYO’s clothing bank is open once a week, providing cost-free essential items for anyone. If you would like to volunteer to help with our clothing distributions or donate clean clothes in good condition, please contact Shawna at 509-986-1211 or contact us to arrange a drop-off donation at APOYO’s office.


If you’re dealing with a local school, agency, or business, we have bilingual staff to help and advocate for you. We can also help you fill out forms and applications.

Si está tratando con una escuela, agencia o empresa local, contamos con personal bilingüe para ayudarle y abogar por usted. También podemos ayudarle a completar formularios y solicitudes. Póngase en contacto.


APOYO organizes workshops to educate the community about topics related to health and well-being. For information on these and other educational resources, visit our social media @apoyoellensburg or the News & Events page.

We would love to discuss your idea for organizing a workshop or other educational activity.

APOYO works with CWU to provide internships and other learning opportunities for students.

Community Service

If you need community service hours, please contact us. We have a friendly work environment; your help will be most welcome.